How to customize the results delivery?
Alex Kistenev avatar
Written by Alex Kistenev
Updated over a week ago

Results delivery is the third step of the report's customization.

1. Open your Standuply’s personal account.

2. Select the report you'd like to edit or create a new one.

3. In order to customize the results delivery click this link on the right side of the report's section

or click this gear on the right side and select "Edit"

4. If you have chosen the second option, click "Respondents & Requests" on the top bar of the report's settings

5. Select the way you'd like the results to be delivered.

There are three options of the results delivery:

  • via DM in Slack;

  • to a public or a private channel in Slack;

  • via email.

All of these options are represented by four fields in the results delivery settings: People, Channel(s), Email and Private channel(s).

You can combine the above-mentioned options as you want.

Important note: you have to invite Standuply to the private channel as a member to receive results there.

You can also check the "Don't send summary anywhere". You can use this option if you just want to make some kind of notification.

6. Configure the results format.

Under the section of the results delivery options you can see two check boxes

"Start a thread with the report results" means that the results of the report will be delivered in a thread, no matter if they are delivered via DM or to a Slack channel.

Here is how the results look like when you open the thread

The results delivered via DM or to a Slack channel with no thread look like this

"Asynchronous results delivery" means that the answers of the respondents will be delivered as they come. So, we recommend using this option with delivery in a thread in order to keep all the answers together.

If you uncheck "Asynchronous results delivery" the results will be delivered synchronously, i.e. you will see all the answers at once right after the report waiting time is over.

The results delivered via email look like this

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