How to use Google Analytics Requests?
Alex Kistenev avatar
Written by Alex Kistenev
Updated over a week ago

In order to start getting data from Google Analytics with the answers from your team members (or without them) you need to:

  1. create Google Analytics Request;

  2. select a template or customize it the way you want;

  3. add it to one of your reports.

How to create Google Analytics Request?

1. Open your Standuply's personal account.

2. Click "Create Request" here (if this is the first Request you create)

or here (if you've already created some Requests)

3. Select "Google Analytics Request"

4. Log in to your Google Account that is connected with Google Analytics

5. Select Google Analytics Profile you'd like to get data from.

6. Select the website you'd like to get data from.

Note: If you get back to the dashboard without accomplishing the Request customization, its status will be shown as "Draft"

How to set up Google Analytics Request?

There are two ways to set up GA request:

  • select one of the 5 templates;

  • use Custom Metric Settings.

Selecting a template

Right after you've chosen the website, you will get to the page offering you a set of GA reports templates.

There are 5 available templates:

  • Summary

  • Behavior

  • NewUsers

  • SiteSpeed

  • Ecommerce

You can select one of them by clicking the "Use it" button. By default "Summary" template is selected.

You can also get a preview of the report in Slack by hovering over one of the templates and clicking "Preview in Slack"

You will get a preview from Standuply in Slack right after you click the button.

After you've selected a template click "Done"

and you will see your Request in the team overview page of your personal account

Custom metrics settings

In order to use custom metric settings click "Custom metric"

You can customize the following parameters:

  • Metric

  • Dimension

  • Segment

We support all Google Analytics dimensions and metrics.

You can also get a preview by hovering over and clicking "Preview in Slack"

The preview in Slack looks like this

For both template or custom metrics settings you can set up the period of time for this statistics - from "Today" to "This year" or "Last year".

How to add the Google Analytics Request to a report?

There are two ways to add the Google Analytics Request to a report.

1. You can add the request right after you've created or edited it by clicking "Next" after you're done with setting it up.

You will see the list of your reports. Choose the one you'd like to add the Request to and click the gray switcher in order to connect the Request to this particular report.

When the Request is connected to the report, the switcher becomes green and you can see the word "Connected!" near it. This means that you will get the data from Google Analytics according to the schedule of this report.

2. You can add the request from the "Respondents & Requests" section of the report's settings.

Click "Request" on the report's block

or click this gear on the right side and select "Edit"

If you have chosen the second option, click "Respondents & Requests" on the top bar of the report's settings

Scroll down to the bottom of this section and click the "Add request" button

Select the request you'd like to connect to the report

After you connected one or several requests to the report, they appear in the report's settings

In order to delete a request click the green gear of the request's block and then click "Delete"

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